About Me

Welcome to the insane world of Thorin.  I may be a little Dwarf Warrior in a book but I am no where near that description on real-life.  Those that have seen me have summed it up properly "God, your tall".  And tall I am... Standing 6 foot 4 inches its enough to make little people uncomfortable and have them rmind me that i am "Real tall" TMDFAE <G>

    I'm of Swedish decent but was born and raised in Australia.  My great great grandfather was a Swedish Lord in the late 1700's.  He married someone from the lower classes and was subsequently    exiled out of Sweden so he came here.  I hate the hot weather but love Autum and winter.  I like to be at the beach 2 watch the sun set during a storm.

    I am a computer Technician by trade and actually enjoy    using them all day long.  Even when they have been right royal pain in the behind i still enjoy beating the odds and repairing them.  The rewards might not be all that everyone thinks that they are, but you get your rewards in other ways, like seeing a little girl of age 32 ebing able to use thier Grunt of a Pc again for Settlers II or other such programs, or should i say Games.

    I dont do much on the weekends execpt washing and          relaxing when ever possible.  With any luck i get to relax the whole weekend but that rarely happens.  One can wish :)

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